Languages : English, Dutch, Latin. Education : Ph.D., Philosophy, Columbia University. Departments : Department of Philosophy (departmental profile here ). Undergraduate Courses : Introduction to Philosophy, Good, Beauty, and the Meaning of Life, History of …
Ospovat, Kirill
Phillips-Court, Kristin
Languages: English, Italian. Research Interests: Italian Renaissance literature and culture, drama, painting and Renaissance inter-media, aesthetics, patronage, Machiavelli, Vasari, Tasso, Bruno. Education: Ph.D., University of California-Los Angeles. Departments: Department of French and Italian (departmental profile …
Pitman, Sophie
Pruitt, Jennifer
Saffiotti Dale, Maria
Languages: English, Italian. Departments: Chazen Museum of Art (departmental profile here ).
Schwarze, Michelle
Smart Martin, Ann
Languages : English. Research Interests : American material culture: American decorative arts and domestic interiors, vernacular arts (self-taught and folk art), craft practices, historical archaeology, museums and curatorial practice. Education : Ph.D., History and Early …
Sommerville, Johann
Languages : English, Latin. Research Interests : Intellectual history and the history of political thought between the late Middle Ages and the Enlightenment, Thomas Hobbes, English political, social and economic history to 1688, early modern …
Stroud, Elaine
Languages : English. Research Interests : Optical works of Thomas Hobbes. Departments : School of Pharmacy, American Institute of the History of Pharmacy (departmental profile here ).