Michelle Schwarze

Position title: Associate Professor, Department of Political Science

Email: mschwarze@wisc.edu

Languages: English, French.

Research Interests: American political thought, early modern political thought, history of political economy, liberalism, moral psychology, modern political theory, passions and politics, religion and politics, republicanism, rhetoric and political theory, Scottish Enlightenment.

Education: Ph.D., Political Science, University of California-Davis; M.A., Political Science, University of California-Davis; B.A., Philosophy and Political Science, University of Nevada-Reno.

Departments: Department of Political Science (department profile here)

Teaching: Adam Smith’s Political Thought; Economic Inequality in Modern Political Thought; History of American Political Thought; Introduction to Political Theory; Rousseau on Education

Selected Publications:
Michelle Schwarze, Recognizing Resentment: Sympathy, Injustice, and Liberal Political Thought (under contract at Cambridge University Press)
Michelle Schwarze, “Kant on Humiliation, Respect, and the Preconditions for Political Right” Forthcoming at Polity.
2019. Michelle Schwarze and John T. Scott, “Mutual Sympathy and the Moral Economy: Adam Smith Reviews Rousseau” Journal of Politics 81(1): 66-80.
2016. Dan Kapust and Michelle Schwarze, “The Rhetoric of Sincerity: Cicero and Smith on Propriety and Political Context” American Political Science Review 110(1): 1-12.