Kristin Phillips-Court

Position title: Vilas Associate Professor; Italian and Art History - Department of French and Italian


Languages: English, Italian.

Research Interests: Italian Renaissance literature and culture, drama, painting and Renaissance inter-media, aesthetics, patronage, Machiavelli, Vasari, Tasso, Bruno.

Education: Ph.D., University of California-Los Angeles.

Departments: Department of French and Italian (departmental profile here).

Selected Publications:
The Perfect Genre. Drama and Painting in Renaissance Italy. Ashgate Press (2011) (book) MLA Scaglione Award
Vasari, Leonardo, and ‘il vero ritratto del tradimento et inumanità,’” Sixteenth Century Journal Vol. XLII No. 3 (Fall, 2011)
“The Petrarchan Lover in Cinquecento Comedy,” MLN: Modern Language Notes Vol. 125, Number 1, January 2010 (Italian Issue)
“Performing Anachronism: Revising the Aetiology of Italian Renaissance Tragedy,” Renaissance Drama Volume 37 “Italy and the Drama of Europe” (2010)
“Framing the Miracle in Feo Belcari’s Rappresentazione quando la Nostra Donna Vergine Maria fu annunziata dall’Angelo Gabriello,” Annali d’Italianistica Volume 25 “Literature, Religion, and the Sacred” (2007)