Ann Smart Martin
Position title: Stanley and Polly Stone (Chipstone) Professor Emerita - Department of Art History
Languages: English.
Research Interests: American material culture: American decorative arts and domestic interiors, vernacular arts (self-taught and folk art), craft practices, historical archaeology, museums and curatorial practice.
Education: Ph.D., History and Early American Material Culture, College of William and Mary; M.A., American Studies (Archaeology), College of William and Mary; B.A., History and Anthropology, Duke University.
Departments: Department of Art History (departmental profile here).
Teaching: Material culture, early American decorative arts, ceramics, material culture of race and ethnicity, exhibition practice, vernacular/outsider art, craft and design, objects and the senses.
Selected Publications:
Buying into the World of Goods, Early Consumers in Backcountry Virginia (Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University, February 2008).
Editor (with J. Ritchie Garrison) of American Material Culture: The Shape of the Field (Knoxville: University of Tennessee Press for Winterthur Museum, 1997). Essay, “Shaping the Field: The Multidisciplinary Perspectives of Material Culture.” 1-20.