The Graduate Early Modern Studies Society (GEMSS, UW-Madison) will have its third annual Graduate Research Symposium on “Early Modern Bodies” at UW-Madison on Friday, April 26th in the Lowell Center on campus. The keynote will be given …
Lecture: Painting and Feminine Piety in Early Modern Spain: The Artist-Nun Estefanía de la Encarnación
Tanya Tiffany, Associate Professor, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee Lecture: Painting and Feminine Piety in Early Modern Spain: The Artist-Nun Estefanía de la Encarnación January 31, 2019 – 4:00pm – Elvehjem L140
Lecture: Climbing the Ladder: On Hieronymus Bosch’s Vision of Hell
Lynn Jacobs, Distinguished Professor, J. William Fulbright College of Arts and Sciences, University of Arkansas Lecture: Climbing the Ladder: On Hieronymus Bosch’s Vision of Hell January 24, 2019 – 4:00pm – Elvehjem L140
GEMSS Roundtable: “Artificial Instruments: Technology and the Early Modern Period”
Graduate Early Modern Student Society (GEMSS) round-table from 4-5:30 p.m. in 7191 Helen C. White Hall. The event is free and everyone is welcome. The theme is “Artificial Instruments: Technology and the Early Modern …
Sypomsium: Humanism in Posthuman Times
The French House, 633 N Frances
GEMSS Lecture: Tanya Tiffany: “Diego Velázquez’s Mother Jerónima de la Fuente and the Visual Rhetoric of Sanctity”
The Graduate Early Modern Student Society (UW-Madison) is proud to co-sponsor an upcoming lecture on “Diego Velázquez’s Mother Jerónima de la Fuente and the Visual Rhetoric of Sanctity” by Professor Tanya Tiffany (UW-Milwaukee). The lecture will take place Friday, November …
Conference: (Re)Imagining Empires
November 2, 2018 – Union South, see TITU Opening Remarks (8:45 – 9:00) Daniel Kapust, Professor of Political Science Sue Zaeske, Associate Dean for Advancement, Arts and Humanities, UW– Madison Panel 1 (9-10:15): Nandini …
Conference: (Re)Imagining Empires
November 2, 2018 – Education Building, Rm L138 Opening Remarks (8:45 – 9:00) Daniel Kapust, Professor of Political Science Sue Zaeske, Associate Dean for Advancement, Arts and Humanities, UW– Madison Panel 1 (9-10:15): Nandini Pandey, …
CEMS Faculty Lecture: Kirill Ospovat: The Kunstkammer of Terror: Western Science and Russia’s Political Anatomy around 1700
Oct. 25, 4pm Kirill Ospovat: The Kunstkammer of Terror: Western Science and Russia’s Political Anatomy around 1700The lecture will explore political contexts and symbolic implications of monstrosity which underlay the founding of the Kunstkamera and …
October 9 @ 12:30 pm – 1:30 pm Room 206 Ingraham Hall “This talk charts the emergence of a new discourse of circulation in colonial Mexico during the period of the Iberian Union (1580-1640), when Spain …