GEMSS Graduate Research Symposium “Early Modern Bodies”

The Graduate Early Modern Studies Society (GEMSS, UW-Madison) will have its third annual Graduate Research Symposium on “Early Modern Bodies” at UW-Madison on Friday, April 26th in the Lowell Center on campus.

The keynote will be given by Dr. Carolyn Nadeau (Illinois Wesleyan), the Vice President of the Cervantes Society of America, on “Attending to Bodily Sustenance and Concepts of Taste in Francisco Martínez Motiño’s 1611 Royal Cookbook.”

We welcome participation by graduate students from any institution who would like to present their research on early modernity, howsoever defined.

Please feel free to post this information or pass it along to any students you think might be interested. The call for papers with additional information about the symposium theme and abstract requirements is here:  

More information about GEMSS can be found online here: For questions, please contact GEMSS Co-chairs, Katherine M. Robiadek ( and Lauren Surovi ( or symposium organizers Alice Main ( and Elizabeth Neary (