Location: Union South (check TITU for room).
Keynote Speaker, English Department Graduate Student Association Conference, Dr. Bruce Holsinger (University of Virginia).
Dr. Holsinger’s talk will engage ideas of historicism, methodology, and disciplinarity as he discusses how his own experiences in writing historical fiction inform and are informed by his work as a scholar of medieval literature. Dr. Holsinger is author of two works of historical fiction, A Burnable Book (2014) and The Invention of Fire (2015), and numerous scholarly works in literary theory and medieval studies, including Neomedievalism, Neoconservativism, and the War on Terror (2007), The Premodern Condition (2005), Music, Body, and Desire in Medieval Culture (2001), and the 2009 PMLA article “Of Pigs and Parchment: Medieval Studies and the Coming of the Animal.”