Ullrich Langer

Position title: Professor Emeritus of French, Department of French and Italian

Email: ulanger@wisc.edu

Languages: English, French.

Research Interests: 16th-century poetry and prose; Renaissance intellectual history (especially moral philosophy and political theory).
Education: Ph.D., Princeton University.

Departments: Department of French and Italian (departmental profile here).

Teaching: 16th-century literature in France, Italian literature (Petrarch, Ariosto, Castiglione), Ancien Régime social and cultural history, and modern and current French fiction.

Selected Publications:

Books and Book Sections
Rhétorique et intersubjectivité: ‘Les Tragiques’ d’Agrippa d’Aubigné (Tübingen: Papers on French 17th Century Literature, 1983).
Invention, Death, and Self-Definitions in the Poetry of Pierre de Ronsard (Saratoga: Anma Libri, 1986).
Divine and Poetic Freedom in the Renaissance: Nominalist Theology and Literature in France and Italy (Princeton, NJ: Princeton Univ. Press, 1990).
Perfect Friendship: Studies in Literature and Moral Philosophy from Boccaccio to Corneille (Geneva: Droz, 1994).
Vertu du discours, discours de la vertu: littérature et philosophie morale au XVIe siècle en France (Geneva: Droz, “Au seuil de la modernité,” 1999).
Penser le formes du plaisir littérature à la Renaissance (Paris: Editions Classiques Garnier, 2009).
What Is Literature? France 1100-1600, ed. with François Cornilliat, Douglas Kelly (Lexington, KY: French Forum, 1993).
Anteros, ed. with Jan Miernowski (Caen, Orléans: Editions Paradigme, September 1994).
Au-delà de la Poétique: Aristote et la littérature à la Renaissance / Beyond the Poetics: Aristotle and Early Modern Literature, ed. (Geneva: Droz, 2002).
The Cambridge Companion to Montaigne, ed. (Cambridge: Cambridge Univ. Press, 2005).