Sabine Mödersheim

Position title: Professor of German - Department of German, Nordic and Slavic


Languages: German, English.

Research/Language Interests: Early modern literature and culture, emblem studies, visual culture, digital humanities, environmental history.

Education: D.Phil. Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg, Germany.

Affiliated Departments: Department of German, Nordic, and Slavic (departmental profile here); Center for Early Moderns Studies (Director).

Undergraduate Courses: Advanced conversation and composition; topics courses on green Germany; Gutenberg-Galaxy; Vienna modernism.

Graduate Courses: Emblem Studies; Reiseliteratur seit der frühen Neuzeit; Utopien und Distopien seit der frühen Neuzeit.


Sabine Mödersheim is Associate Professor of German Literature and Culture in the German Department. She currently serves as the Director of the Center for Early Modern Studies. Education: Dr. phil. (German and Philosophy, Albert-Ludwigs Universität Freiburg); teaching positions at the Universität Freiburg/Germany and McGill University, Montreal.


Her research interest are in the areas of literature and culture from the Renaissance to the present, in particular the German and European emblem tradition and visual culture, the use of images in architectural decorations, popular culture and propaganda. She serves on the advisory board of Emblematica and on the editorial board of Monatshefte für deutschsprachige Literatur und Kultur. As Director of the UW Center for Early Modern Studies she organized the conference ‘Spiritual Optiks‘: Jesuits and Visual Culture and edited a volume on The Art of Persuasion: Emblems and Propaganda.


She is a member of the research cluster “Environmental Futures” at the Center for German and European Studies and the Nelson Institute’s Center for Culture, History, and Environment (CHE) at the University of Wisconsin, with a focus on the history of environmental grass roots movements in Germany as well as environmental policies and best practices in urban planning.

Selected Publications:

Deutsche GeheimgesellschaftenHg. v. Jost Hermand und Sabine Mödersheim. Wien, Köln, Weimar: Böhlau, 2013.

Emblems and Propaganda. Ed. by Sabine Mödersheim and Christine Probes. (Glasgow Emblem Studies 16) Geneva: Librairie Droz, 2013.

“Vaenius in German: Raphael Custos’s Emblemata Amoris for Philip Hainhofer.” In:Otto Vaenius and his Emblem Books. Ed.Simon McKeown. (Glasgow Emblem Studies 15) Geneva: Droz, 2012.

“Von Nürnberg nach Moskau: Johann Sauberts ‘Emblemat duchovny’ und die Emblematik in Rußland.” In: Deutschsprachige Literatur im westeuropäischen und slavischen Barock. Ed. Dirk Kemper, Ekaterina Dmitrieva, Jurij Lileev. (Schriftenreihe des Instituts für russisch-deutsche Literatur- und Kulturbeziehungen an der RGGU Moskau 7) München: Fink, 2012.

“”Blickwispern füllt die Passagen”: Das Spiegelmotiv und die Reflexion des Innenraums.” In: Walter Benjamin. Moderne und Gesetz. Ed. Ashraf Noor. (Makom. Schriftenreihe des Franz Rosenzweig Minerva-Forschungszentrums Jerusalem, Bd. 5) München: Fink 2012.

“Educational Eulogies: Charles de la Rue’s Symbolica Heroica” In: Emblematic Images and Religious Texts. Studies in Honor of G. Richard Dimler, S.J. Ed. Pedro F. Campa and Peter M. Daly. (Early Modern Catholicsm and the Visual Arts 2) Philadelphia: Saint Joseph’s UP, 2010, 203-227. – Guest Editor with Sabine Gross, Monatshefte 102:3 (Fall 2010) Special Issue: Writing in Images – In Bildern schreiben.

“Schauplatz des menschlichen Elends” Emblems in the Heilig-Geist-Spital in Nuremberg.” Emblematica 16, 2008.

“Theologia Cordis. Daniel Cramer’s Emblemata Sacra in Northern European Architecture.” In: The Emblem in Scandinavia and the Baltic. Ed. Simon McKeown and Mara Wade. (Glasgow Emblem Studies 11) Glasgow: University of Glasgow, 2006, 295-329.

“Bild und Buchstabe: Emblematik und visuelle Poesie in Stettin.” Der Text und seine Spielarten im polnischen Barock. Bausteine zu einer Epochensynthese. Ed. Herta Schmid. München: Sagner, 2005, 116-128.

“The Emblem in Architecture” In: Emblem Scholarship: Directions and Developments. A Tribute to Gabriel Hornstein. Ed. Peter M. Daly. Turnhout: Brepols, 2005. (Imago Figurata, Studies, 5), 159-175.

“Art and War.” In: Representations of Violence: Art about the Sierra Leone Civil War. Ed. Chris Corcoran, Abu-Hassan Koroma, P.K. Muana. Chicago, 2004, 15-20.

“Duce virtute, comite fortuna. Das emblematische Programm des Goldenen Saals im Nürnberger Rathaus” In: Die Domänen des Emblems: Außerliterarische Anwendungen der Emblematik. Ed.Gerhard F. Strasser, Mara R. Wade. (Wolfenbütteler Arbeiten zur Barockforschung 39) Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz, 2004, 29-54.

“Homo Bulla” In: Cabinet. A Quarterly Magazine of Art and Culture, 9 / 2002-2003,92-94.

“Skin Deep – Mind Deep. Emblematics and Modern Tattoos.” In: Emblems from Alciato to the Tattoo. Selected Papers of the Leuven International Emblem Conference 18-23 August, 1996. Ed. Peter M. Daly, John Manning, Marc van Vaeck, Turnhout: Brepols, 2002, 309-333.