Sabine Gross
Position title: Professor Emerita of German - Department of German, Nordic and Slavic
Research Interests: German-language literature of the eighteenth through the twenty-first centuries, contemporary German-language authors, Bertolt Brecht, Enlightenment aesthetics, narratology and stylistics, the reading process, the detective/mystery genre, image-text relations, the human experience of time, semiotics, theater, perception and synaesthesia.
Education: Ph.D., German Literature, University of California, Santa Barbara; Staatsexamen (State Board Examinations), Johann Wolfgang Goethe-University, Frankfurt am Main/Germany; Studies in Slavic Language and Literature, Translation, English and American Literature, German Literature, and Pedagogy, Heidelberg and Frankfurt Universities; International Baccalaureat, Frankfurt am Main/Germany.
Departments: Department of German, Nordic, and Slavic (departmental profile here), Department of Theatre and Drama, Interdisciplinary Theater Studies, Visual Culture.
Undergraduate Courses: Honors Introduction to German Literature, Advanced courses in German literature and culture, Capstone Seminar for Seniors (topics: Günter Grass, Deutschsprachige Gegenwartsliteratur, Außenseiter, Mord und Totschlag), Theory and Practice of German Drama.
Graduate Courses: Theory and Practice of German Drama, Graduate Seminars (topics: Text und Wahrnehmung, Bild und Text, Gegenwartsliteratur, Literatur als Sprache, Detektiv- und Kriminalliteratur vom 19. bis zum 21. Jahrhundert).
Selected Publications:
Time and Trace. Multidisciplinary Investigations of Temporality. Leiden: Brill, 2016 (edited, with Steve Ostovich).
Anschauung und Anschaulichkeit. Visualisierung im Lesen, Wahrnehmen und Denken. Paderborn: Fink, 2016 (edited, with Hans Adler).
The Caucasian Chalk Circle (Bertolt Brecht). Study Guide. London: Penguin, 2014.
Herausforderung Herder / Herder as Challenge. Heidelberg: Synchron, 2010 (edited).
Early and Late Herder: Continuity and Correction. Heidelberg: Synchron, 2007 (edited, with Gerhard Sauder).
Lese-Zeichen: Kognition, Medium und Materialität im Leseprozeß. WBG: Darmstadt 1994.
Articles, Book Chapters, Handbook Contributions
“Die Druckseite als Text-Lese-Landschaft“, Ulrich Johannes Schneider (ed.): Textkünste. Buchrevolution um 1500 (Die Erfindung der Druckseite um 1500). Darmstadt: WBG, 2016: 184-189.
“Historiography, Theology, and Erkenntnis: Empathy in Herder and Benjamin,” co-authored with Marcus Bullock. Beate Allert (ed.): J.G. Herder: From Cognition to Cultural Science. Heidelberg: Synchron, 2016: 159-181.
“Malen, Dichten, Schildern, Sehen: Lessing und Herder im Streit über Homer und Vergil.” Hans Adler and Sabine Gross (eds.): Anschauung und Anschaulichkeit. Visualisierung im Wahrnehmen, Lesen und Denken. Paderborn: Fink, 2016: 107-130.
“Fremd Schreiben. Situative und mediale Aspekte des Diktats.” Natalie Binzcek and Cornelia Epping-Jäger (eds.): Diktieren. Phono-graphische Verfahren der Aufschreibung. Paderborn: Fink, 2015: 73-93.
“Spannungsvolle Präzision: Rhetorik, Stil und Gestus bei J. G. Herder.” Ralf Simon (ed.): Herders Rhetoriken im Kontext des 18. Jahrhunderts. Heidelberg: Synchron, 2014: 295-310.
“Narrative Fiction: Writing towards the Origin.” Raji C. Steineck and Claudia Clausius (eds): Origins and Futures: Time Inflected and Reflected. (The Study of Time, vol. XIV). Leiden, Boston: Brill, 2013: 79-101.
“Matters of Reading, Shapes of Writing: Material Form and Social Practice,” in: German Studies Review 36:1 (Spring 2013): 147-161.
“Writing in Images: Introduction,” in: Monatshefte Special Issue Writing in Images/ In Bildern schreiben (102:3, Fall 2010): 277-284.
“Surveying Narratology,” in: Monatshefte 100:4 (2009): 534-559.
“Reading in Style: Visual Text from a New Angle,” in: Poetics Today 29.3 (2008): 565-593.
“Narration in The Tin Drum: A Quirky Narrator in Search of the Truth.” Monika Shafi (ed.): Approaches to Teaching Günter Grass’s The Tin Drum”. New York: Modern Language Association, 2008: 173-204.
“Lese-Hunger.” Eva Kimminich (ed.): Gastro-Logie. Frankfurt, New York: Peter Lang, 2005: 69-107.
“Herder’s ‘Prescient’ Aisthesis. An Update on Touch and Vision.” Herder Yearbook VII, eds. Wulf Koepke, Karl Menges. Heidelberg: Synchron, 2004: 69-87.
“Get Real: Narrative and Uncertainty in Fiction.” Michael Crawford, Paul Harris (eds.): The Study of Time 11. Leiden: Brill, 2004: 58-78.
“In Praise of Perambulation. Reflections on Perception, Embodied Subjects, and Learning Environments.” Hans Adler (ed.): Aisthesis and Aesthetics. Oxford etc.: Lang, 2002: 111-148.
“Adjusting the Frame: Comments on Cognitivism and Literature.” Co-authored with Hans Adler. Poetics Today 23:2 (2002): 195-220.
“Lesen – Körper – Text.” Eva Kimminich, Claudia Krülls-Hepermann (eds.): Zunge und Zeichen. (Welt – Körper – Sprache. Perspektiven kultureller Wahrnehmungs- und Darstellungsformen, I.) Frankfurt am Main: Peter Lang, 2000: 151-186.
“Herta Müller.” Matthias Konzett (ed.): Encyclopedia of German Literature. Vol II. Chicago: Fitzroy Dearborn, 2000: 726-728.
“Einleitung: Sprache, Ort, Heimat.” Monatshefte 89.4 (Winter 1997): 441-451.
“Dialectics and Reader Response: Bertolt Brecht’s Prose Cycles.” Siegfried Mews (ed.): A Bertolt Brecht Reference Companion. Westport, CT: Greenwood, 1997: 168-194.