Lee Palmer Wandel
Position title: Warf Michael Baxandall and Linda and Stanley Sher Professor of History
Email: lpwandel@wisc.edu
Research Interests: Early modern Christianity; texts, objects, practices, and identities in the early modern world.
Education: Ph.D., University of Michigan; M.A., Brown University; B.A., University of California-Santa Cruz.
Departments: Department of History (departmental profile here).
Teaching: Early modern Europe 1492 to 1648.
Selected Publications:
Reading Catechisms, Teaching Religion. Brill, 2015.
The Reformation: Towards a New History. Cambridge University Press, 2011.
The Eucharist in the Reformation: Incarnation and Liturgy. Cambridge University
Press, 2006.
Voracious Idols and Violent Hands: Iconoclasm in Reformation Zurich, Strasbourg,
and Basel. Cambridge University Press, 1995; paperback, 1999.
Always Among Us: Images of the Poor in Zwingli’s Zurich. Cambridge University
Press, 1990; Digital paperback, 2001; paperback, 2003.
With Robin Winks. A History of Civilization, Vol. III: Europe in a Wider World:1350-
1650. Oxford, 2003. Chinese translation, 2009.
“Property, Theft, Coveting, and Debt in Martin Luther’s Catechisms.” Historische Mitteilungen 27 (2015): 94-108.
“Love and Fear in Reformation Catechisms.” Saeculum 61 (2011): 57-72.
“Liturgy.” Sixteenth Century Journal 40(2009): 274-7.
“Post tenebras lux : lumière et présence dans les églises réformées.” Bulletin Société de l’histoire du protestantisme français. 2006.
“Setting the Lutheran Eucharist.” Journal of Early Modern History (1998): 124-55.
Working Paper: “The Reformation in German-Speaking Europe.” For “Views of The Delegates: Problems and Prospects for Research in the Humanities.”American Council of Learned Societies Forum, April 1993.
“Envisioning God: Image and Liturgy in Reformation Zurich.” Sixteenth Century Journal 24 (1993): 21-40.
“Teaching in Research Universities.” ACLS Newsletter 3 (1992): 7-9.
“The Reform of the Images: New Visualizations of the Christian Community at Zurich.” Archive for Reformation History 80 (1989): 82-101.
“Brothers and Neighbors: The Language of Community in Zwingli’s Preaching.” Zwingliana 17/5 (1988/1): 361-74.