Joshua Calhoun

Position title: Associate Professor of English


Joshua Calhoun

Languages: English.

Research Interests: Renaissance Lyric Poetry, Renaissance Drama, Poetics, Shakespeare, Spenser, Donne, Gascoigne, Media, the history of reading, the natural history of texts, papermaking, historical formalism, miscellanies and anthologies, paleography, the Atlantic world.

Departments: Department of English (departmental profile here).

Teaching: Shakespeare, sixteenth- and seventeenth-century lyric poetry, and the history of media, “Organic Poetry: Leaves, Love, and Lyrics in Renaissance England” (which met regularly in the university’s Special Collections), Shakespeare’s Second Tetralogy called “Making History.” Hands-on workshops on the history of papermaking and a community education course called “Shakespeare Out Loud.”

Selected Publications:
“The Word Made Flax: Cheap Bibles, Textual Corruption, and the Poetics of Paper.” PMLA 126.2 (March 2011): 327-44.

“Ecosystemic Shakespeare: Vegetable Memorabilia in the Sonnets.” Shakespeare Studies 39 (2011): 64-73.

“Book Review: Living Through the End of Nature: The Future of American Environmentalism.” Environmental Philosophy 8.1 (Spring 2011): 11-14.

“‘Toilet paper is the new scroll. :P’” In Media Res: A Media Commons Project. 3 June 2010.

Images of Robin Hood: Medieval to Modern. Essay collection co-edited with Lois Potter. (Newark: University of Delaware Press, 2008).