Florence C. Hsia
Position title: Professor of History of Science, Associate Vice Chancellor for Research in Arts & Humanities, OVCRGE and Associate Dean for Graduate Education, Graduate School - Department of History
Email: fchsia@wisc.edu
Languages: English.
Research Interests: The Scientific Revolution, Jesuit science, science and religion, and science and European expansion in the early modern era.
Education: Ph.D., University of Chicago, History; M.A., University of Chicago, History; A.B., Princeton University, East Asian Studies.
Departments: Department of the History of Science (departmental profile here).
Selected Publications:
Florence C. Hsia, Sojourners in a Strange Land: Jesuits and Their Scientific Missions in Late Imperial China (University of Chicago Press, 2009).
Book Sections and Articles
“Athanasius Kircher’s China illustrata (1667): an apologia pro vita sua” section in Paula Findlen, ed., Athanasius Kircher: The Last Man Who Knew Everything (Routledge, 2004).
Florence C. Hsia, “Chinese Astronomy for the Early Modern European Reader,” Early Science and Medicine 13:5 (2008), 417-450.