David J. Hildner
Position title: Professor Emeritus- Department of Spanish and Portuguese
Email: dhildner@wisc.edu

Research Interests: Renaissance / Baroque drama and poetry of Spain, Luso-Brazilian literature before 1800, philosophy and literature, religion and literature, advanced language practice.
Education: Ph.D., Spanish with supporting field in Portuguese and French, University of Minnesota-Twin Cities; M.A., Spanish, University of Minnesota-Twin Cities; B.A., Spanish, Oberlin College.
Departments: Department of Spanish and Portuguese (departmental profile here).
Selected Publications:
Poetry and Truth in the Spanish Works of Fray Luis de León. London: Tamesis Books, Ltd., 1992.
Book Sections and Articles
“Dissimilar Signs of Faith in Calderón’s Theater of Intrigue.” Religious and Secular Theater in Golden Age Spain: Essays in Honor of Donald T. Dietz, ed. Susan Paun de García and Donald Larson. NY: Peter Lang (Iberica series), forthcoming in 2017.
“Damas tramoyeras en el poder: tres casos tirsianos.” Hipogrifo (Madrid) 5.1 (Mayo 2017), forthcoming.
“Wife-Murder Deflected: How Stage Husbands’ Prudence and Ingenuity Lead to Differing Outcomes.” Prismatic Reflections on Spanish Golden Age Theater: Essays in Honor of Matthew D. Stroud, ed. Gwyn E. Campbell and Amy R. Williansen, Ibérica 44 (Peter Lang, 2016), 13-24.