Joseph Bowling

Position title: Lecturer, Department of English


Early modern literary studies, classical reception, history of historiography, political theology, critical theory, the history of Marxism, film studies

Current Projects
I am working on a monograph that studies verse histories in England from the 1570s to 1620s that rework the medieval traditions of Trojan descent to construct new forms of English political community. I am also working on a project that traces the reception and transformations of the classical republican concept of glory in Reformation England.

“Prophetic histories, portentous figures,” coauthored with Katherine Walker, introduction to co-edited special issue of postmedieval 10, no. 1 (2019): 3-7.

“‘Part Shame, Part Spirit Renewed’: Affect, National Origins, and Report in Shakespeare’s Cymbeline,” Renaissance Drama 45, no. 1 (Spring 2017): 81-106.