2020 Events

Save the date! Friday, April 30 @ 2:00 pm: Early Modern Dissertation Workshop

If you would like to attend the workshop, please send an email to djkapust@wisc.edu.

– Beauty and Female Body Parts in Early Modern Spanish Literature: Jenny Jeong (Department of Spanish and Portuguese)
– The Epistolary Conception: Subjectivity and Individuality in the Spanish Early-Modern Letters in Verse: Jorge Hernández-Lasa (Department of Spanish and Portuguese)
– Materializing Memory and Local Identity: Handscroll Culture in Suzhou, China (15th-16th Centuries): Ji Wang (Department of Asian Languages and Cultures)
– Imaginations against Deceptions: David Hume, Jean-Jacques Rousseau, and Adam Smith on Illusions, Science, and Politics.: Xinzhi Zhao (Political Science)

Friday, April 16 @ 1:00 pm: Early Modern Workshop

Professor Paul Lodge (Philosophy, Oxford University): “Still the best of all possible worlds after all these years.”

Professor Lodge’s visit is co-sponsored by the Political Theory Workshop.

Friday, February 19 @ 1:30 pm: Early Modern Workshop

Professor Emily Nacol (Political Science, University of Toronto), ‘A More Onerous Citizenship:’ Immunity and Community in Defoe’s Journal of the Plague Year.

Professor Nacol’s visit is co-sponsored by the Political Theory Workshop.

Friday, November 13 at 1:30 pm: Early Modern Workshop

Professor Claudia Swan (Art History, Northwestern University): “Piracy, Rarities, and Political Fortunes in the Dutch Republic”

Professor Swan’s visit is supported by the Anonymous Fund, and co-sponsored by the the Center for Visual Cultures, Department of Art History, the German, Nordic, and Slavic Department, and the Institute for Research in the Humanities.

Friday, October 2 at 12:00 pm: Early Modern Workshop (Co-sponsored by the Political Theory Workshop)

Professor David Lay Williams (Department of Political Science, DePaul University), “[T]oo much abundance in one or a few private men”: Hobbes on Inequality and the Concentration of Wealth”

Please note: Professor Williams’ paper will be circulated in advance to interested participants; the paper will be password protected, and is not to be distributed beyond those who participate in the workshop.

Friday, October 2 at 2:00 pm: Roundtable, “Defining Race in Early Modernity”

Co-sponsored by the Graduate Early Modern Student Society and the Department of Integrated Liberal Studies

This event will be held via Zoom; the link will be mailed to the Center for Early Modern Studies email lists in advance. Should you like to participate and are not on a list, please email either Daniel Kapust (djkapust@wisc.edu) or Hamni Park (hpark362@wisc.edu).

Pablo F. Gómez, Associate Professor, Department of History and Medical History and Bioethics
Elizabeth Neary, PhD Candidate, Department of Spanish and Portuguese
Jennifer Nelson, Assistant Professor, Department of Art History
Justine Walden, Honorary Fellow, Institute for Research in the Humanities
Miles Wilkerson, PhD Candidate, Department of History